Pakistan Association of New Zealand (PANZ) organised a virtual Hui in association with New Zealand Police on Sunday 5 September 2021. The Hui was organised to provide social and safety awareness and mental wellbeing virtual check-in for the members of Muslim / Pakistani community after the Friday 3 September 2021 terrorist incident in Auckland.
Ethnic Responsiveness Manager New Zealand Police Jessica Phuang, Mr Ian Soosay from Ministry of Health, from Kāhui Tū Kaha Mr Yasser El Shall, Sister Janifa Bhamji, sister Sobia Zarrar, sister Mariam Arif from NZ Police and several support organisations were present at the Hui. Over 50 persons from Pakistani and other communities attended the Hui.
PANZ President Mr Naveed Hamid chaired the Hui.
Various community members submitted their questions and suggestions and discussed concerns associated with post terrorist incident of Auckland. Jessica Phuang answered the questions and provided mitigation steps to address the security concerns for Muslim community members, particularly for the female members.
Jessica Phuang acknowledged PANZ leadership for their effective role in providing the community a platform and a clear direction to deal with post terrorist incident of Auckland.
The participants found Hui a very useful programme which provided further clarity of ‘how to mitigate security concerns for the Muslim / Pakistani Community members in New Zealand.
Community members are able to report hate concerns via phone to ‘105’ or directly to Jassica Phuang of New Zealand Police at
PANZ would like to take this opportunity to thank New Zealand Police and other support oganisations for their support and help to the members of the Muslim / Pakistani communities.
Shukria/Ngā mihi
Team #PANZ