Asalaam-o-Alaikum/Kia Ora
Respected Community Members
Please note emergency contact details for PANZ representative across the country in case you need to reach out for help during the lockdown period.
– Auckland is at Alert Level 3
– rest of New Zealand is at Alert Level 2
>If you have a cold, flu or COVID-19 symptoms call your doctor or Healthline 08003585453 and get advice about being tested.
>Financial support is available for individuals, families and businesses, use the Unite against COVID-19 financial support website to find out what assistance you are eligible for –…/financial-support/
>It’s ok to not be ok. Lockdowns can have a huge strain on our mental wellbeing and if you need help the Mental Health Foundation has put together some resources to get you through it –…/getting-through…/
For more updates, visit the Covid-19 website
Shukria/Ngā mihi.
Team #PANZ